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Life as an Entrepreneur

Updated: Feb 9, 2023

I haven't Made A-lot Of Money Yet But I enjoy the journey

My name is Matthew Brown and I'm here to share my blog with you and please I welcome your comments. As you can see this is my first post and the subject matter of this post is "Life as an Entrepreneur".

I have been an Entrepreneur since I was 9 years old and I don't know if the word existed at that time, at least not in my neighborhood. Pushing my lawn more down the street going from house to house cutting lawns for $5. I also had a paper route which I also had to collect the money from the subscribers at the end of the month. I remember there were times I was out at night around 8PM collecting monthly fees, boy the angels were definitely protecting me.

Now as years past not only am I an entrepreneur I find out I'm an Innovator. Over the years I've owned several businesses. Some could have been really successful and a few would have died off because the change of times. Now I find myself again a founder of three businesses and one brought me by my good friend and attorney as a partner of "STORMKLOTH".

  1. GOLF PXL " a Golf Social Media App with No Ads and No Spyware"

  2. Custom Golf Bag Hoods " Won best new product for 2020 PGA virtual show"

  3. Simple Salads " We deliver salads to your doorstep, business or gym"

  4. STORMKLOTH "Hunting, Ski and lifestyle brand"

The other day I asked myself a question. What makes a successful innovator? This is Google's response; "Curiosity is a never-ending well of inspiration. One of the great qualities of an innovative thinker is someone who is curios, open-minded, and willing to think outside of normal paradigms. Where most people find comfort in uniformity, innovators tend to reject it." When I read this it gave me confirmation that who I really was and the journey as an entrepreneur and innovator is risky but beautiful in it's own way.

Being an entrepreneur/innovator can be a lonely journey. I will humbly say I don't know and can't do everything. The day's of microsoft and apple startups is over, guys came together and took a risk in believing in someone's vision with little or no pay they provided each others talents, hard work, RND and failures to bring it to life. It was great talking with a Hedge Fund in NYC every week for 5 months I learned so much talking about the tech business, investments, the culture of VC"s and Angeles and fine tuning the business model. Sometimes I wish I lived in San Francisco, NYC or Silicone Valley area where I would have access to out of the box thinkers. It is very hard at times not having someone to talk with consistently about ideas, solutions and who is not afraid of risk or failure. I think that day will come soon!

Presently I'm putting together a Crowdfund campaign on the Indiegogo platform to raise money to build the first phase of the GOLF PXL APP and run an aggressive marketing and promotions campaign. It's a new-gen golf social media platform with NO ads and No spyware. Golfers may post pictures, videos, like, comment and invite friends while earning points to WIN prizes, discounts at retail stores, golf trips and more. The Crowdfund will launch February 27th 2023. In late 2019, I released the golf app “Skinzrus.” A hedge fund in New York City mentored and groomed me for several months in preparation for my series A round of funding with Venture Capitalists (VCs) and Angel Investors. They ultimately advised me to alter my business plan due to the lack of revenue and funding data on my competitors. I heeded their advice and rebranded the business as GOLF PXL.

Thank you for reading my first blog post. This post was written by me Matthew Brown not by a professional writer as you can see (:

Please comment and let's begin a conversation on entrepreneurship, innovative thinking, the journey and more.

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